
God’s Not Dead | Official Full Movie Trailer

Hurrah! A wonderful movie to watch for the Easter season. Done in classic debate style, a student teaches his professor the meaning of GOD’s love.

credit: GodsNotDeadTheMovie+PureFlix

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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May 21, 2013 Prayer For Oklahoma Victims and Victims World-wide

The tornadoes that have been devastating Oklahoma and surrounding states have caused immense devastation and loss of life. There are other places in the world that are also suffering. Many of the dead are innocent children. I ask for your prayers for all those  suffering and facing losses behind these natural disasters.  If possible, please find a charitable institution that will be a help in  giving aid to victims locally and worldwide.   Charlene


Massive Tornado in Oklahoma+Latest Developments

A massive tornado ripped through the Oklahoma City area on Monday, leaving behind a horrific path of destruction.

“It is a barren wasteland,” said Shannon Galarneau, of her hometown of Moore, Okla. Her 10-year-old neice is missing, she told Yahoo! News. “Everything is leveled.” This aerial photo shows the remains of homes hit by a massive tornado in Moore, Okla., Monday May 20, 2013. (AP Photo/Steve Gooch)
Charlene’s Source: yahoo news+AP
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(CNN) — Dozens of people — including several children — were killed when a massive tornado struck an area outside Oklahoma City on Monday afternoon, officials said.

At least seven of those children were killed at Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, Oklahoma, according to a police official.

Early Tuesday, emergency personnel continued to scour the school’s rubble — a scene of twisted I-beams and crumbled cinder blocks.The tornado was estimated to be at least two miles wide at one point as it moved through Moore, in the southern part of the Oklahoma City metropolitan area, KFOR reported.

The preliminary rating of the tornado was at least EF4 (166 to 200 mph), the National Weather Service said.

Latest updates:

— President Barack Obama said, “Oklahoma needs to get everything it needs right away” to recover from powerful tornado that ripped through the Oklahoma City region Monday.

Flags are expected to be lowered at the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday morning in honor of the victims of a massive tornado that struck central Oklahoma the day before, House Speaker John Boehner said.

Out of the 51 deaths initially reported in Monday’s powerful tornado in central Oklahoma, 24 bodies have been transferred to the Oklahoma City Medical Examiner’s Office, the agency said Tuesday. An update from the medical examiner was expected at 11 a.m. ET.

Previously reported:

New York’s governor expressed his sympathy for Oklahomans in the aftermath of the “horrific tornado” that swept through the Oklahoma City region on Monday. “Here in New York we know firsthand the devastation and pain caused by natural disasters, and in difficult times like these we, more than ever, stand with our fellow Americans,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement Tuesday.

— The storm system behind Monday’s twister and several on Sunday is threatening a large swath of the United States on Tuesday, putting 53 million people at risk of severe weather. In the bull’s-eye Tuesday are parts of north-central Texas, southeastern Oklahoma, and northern Arkansas and Louisiana, according to the National Weather Service.

— Oklahoma first and foremost needs donations to rebuild after tornadoes slammed the state, Gov. Mary Fallin told CNN on Tuesday.

— More than 40,000 customers remain without power Tuesday after a powerful tornado slammed the Oklahoma City region, a utility spokesman said. More than half of those customers were in the heavily damaged suburb of Moore, according to Brian Alford, a spokesman for Oklahoma Gas & Electric.

— Glenn Lewis, the mayor of tornado-ravaged Moore, Oklahoma, told CNN on Tuesday the rescue effort is continuing and “we’re very optimistic we might find one or two people.”

— Personnel have rescued 101 people from rubble in metropolitan Oklahoma City after a tornado hit the area Monday, Oklahoma Department of Emergency Management representative Terri Watkins said Tuesday morning. Watkins cited an Oklahoma Highway Patrol tally of rescues from all agencies.

— Some of the children killed at Plaza Towers Elementary School in Moore, Oklahoma, during Monday’s storm drowned in a basement area there, Oklahoma Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb told CNN Tuesday morning. “My understanding, this school … Plaza Towers, they had a basement. Quite frankly, don’t mean to be graphic, but that’s why some of the children drowned, because they were in the basement area,” he said. Officials have said the storm killed at least seven children at the school.

— The Oklahoma Medical Examiner’s Office has been told to expect about 40 additional bodies, including about 20 children, according spokeswoman Amy Elliott. The official death toll of 51 will not rise until the bodies are processed, she said earlier. The current toll already includes at least 20 children who were killed by the storm.

— At least 145 people have been hospitalized in the Oklahoma City, hospital officials said. The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center received 45 children for treatment on Monday, according Dr. Roxie Albrecht.

— President Barack Obama will make a statement at approximately 10 a.m. ET after he is briefed on the aftermath of the Oklahoma tornado devastation, a White House official told CNN. The statement will be delivered in the State Dining Room.

— Obama signed a disaster declaration for Oklahoma on Monday night, a White House statement said. The declaration means federal emergency aid will supplement local recovery efforts.

— The president told the Oklahoma governor that the federal government “stands ready to provide all available assistance” as part of the response to a series of deadly storms that have struck the Oklahoma City area, including Monday’s devastating tornado.

— Queen Elizabeth II sent her condolences to those affected by Monday’s massive deadly Oklahoma tornado, saying on Twitter: “Our deepest sympathies go out to all those whose lives have been affected, as well as the American people #Oklahoma #tornado.”

— Pope Francis urged people to join him in praying for the families of those who died in the massive tornado in central Oklahoma on Monday, “especially those who lost young children,” he said in a tweet Tuesday.

— French President Francois Hollande expressed his grief over the casualties caused by the ferocious Oklahoma tornado and saluted the “mobilization” of citizens who tackled “this exceptional situation with courage and determination.”

— German Chancellor Angela Merkel passed along her condolences to President Obama over the casualties and destruction caused by the mammoth tornado that tore through Oklahoma on Monday. “The pictures of this catastrophe render us speechless and can only hint at the scope of the hurt,” Merkel told the president Tuesday.

– Pakistan and Spain issued condolences to the people affected by the deadly Oklahoma tornado. “We are particularly grieved over the loss of innocent children and their teachers who were buried under the rubble,” the Pakistan government said. The Spanish government said “the Spanish people, at these tragic times, feel even closer to the American people, and share their pain.”

Charlene’s Source: CNN+yahoo news

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A Newtown Poem Night Before Christmas Paraphrased

To say that this is too late for Christmas is say that it is too late for Christ.   Charlene



A Newtown Poem



****Twas’ 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven’s gate.


Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.


They were filled with such joy, they didn’t know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.


“Where are we?” asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
“this is heaven.” declared a small boy. “We’re spending Christmas at
God’s house.”


When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.


He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name


and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King


and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus’ face.


and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, “I’ll take care of mom and dad.”


then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe


then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
“Let My power and presence re-enter this land!”


“may this country be delivered from the hands of fools”
“I’m taking back my nation. I’m taking back my schools!”


then He and the children stood up without a sound.
“come now my children, let me show you around.”


Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,


“In the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT.”


Written by a Gentleman in Southern Pa***




Christine A. Eastburg
ChrisCross Time Management LLC
Home / Office


GOD’s Answer To Evil by James Robison

God’s Answer to Evil
by James Robison


As we celebrate the birth of Christ and the hope that He alone can offer, let us remember the families in Newtown, Connecticut, and pray that God will supernaturally draw near to them in their time of deep, deep loss. Our hearts are broken for them. Those who lost their most precious little ones and other family members have seen their world shattered. From now on, the Christmas holidays will always bring back painful memories and thoughts of how old their loved one would be if they were still here. They will always wonder what they would be like at that age. Jesus and love-filled people are the only ones who can help lessen the pain these families are experiencing.



Satan is the author and instigator of all evil. He is the very personification of it. Even those who doubt or deny God cannot deny there is an obvious force of evil present in our world. Jesus said Satan is the father of all lies and, above all, a thief and murderer. He seeks to destroy life—every precious aspect of it. When he is in control, he continually manifests despicable, unimaginable acts defying all logic.



We are right to be abhorred by unspeakable brutality and murder of the innocent and the helpless. Such was the case a week ago when those little children and adults were murdered senselessly. Yes, it was demonic. No, the devil didn’t make him do it. The murderer made a horrible choice, seemingly the result of terrible mental, psychological, and emotional disturbance.



Such is the case when the resistance and clear-mindedness on anyone’s part has been compromised and diminished. Many things can negatively impact our spiritual and mental condition to some degree: addiction to alcohol or drugs, damaging emotions such as bitterness or envy, emotional or physical exhaustion. It can even be the result of self-intoxication, as with Herod at the time of Christ’s birth. He ordered the murder of all little boys under two years old in Bethlehem (Matt. 2:16). Satanic? Yes. Demonic? Yes. Even so, it was Herod’s choice to act on his evil schemes. Satan so detests freedom and godliness that he seeks to destroy any deliverer or possibility of deliverance.



In the fatherless home and the dysfunctional community I grew up in, you cannot imagine the suggestions other kids made to me, along with the fiery darts (horrific suggestions) Satan fired my way. I was vulnerable; but thanks be to God, praying Christians, a pastor and his wife who never forgot the boy they cared for the first few years of my life, and then the witness of committed Christian teenagers led me to the Christ whose birth we’re about to celebrate. I am convinced that the prayers of others (even before my conversion to Christ) helped prevent me from giving into violent impulses, especially when my alcoholic father threatened to take my life. Sadly, some choose to give in to their anger and act out in unimaginable ways.



Jesus is the answer. He was my answer and He is the sole answer for those who have been devastated by the events last week. Only a great God and a loving heavenly Father can give the people of Newtown the ultimate comfort they long for and must have. Caring neighbors, friends, and other Christians will seek to lighten their load and brighten their future. We rightly celebrate the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, because He is the only way to overcome evil and the evil one. He alone can direct our steps and help us build wise, secure walls of protection.



God’s Word should be our hedge of security. He wants His Word to be written in our hearts, not just carried in our hands. He wants His Word to carry and lead us and, as Paul said, write “letters in the hearts of other men’s lives” as a result of our consistent Christian testimony.



In addition to celebrating His birth, we need to praise God for the resurrection life He offers each day! Jesus came to overcome the evil one and to give us the ability to be delivered from that despicable, damaging influence. Because Christ was born and now lives, we live. May others see Jesus living in us.



Thirty years ago when I experienced a marvelous deliverance from the power of demonic assault due to spiritual burnout and physical exhaustion, I was undoubtedly vulnerable. During the time following my deliverance, God clearly revealed that in the last days evil will wax worse. Satan’s nature will be more obviously manifested than at any time in history with indescribable, unfathomable, despicable acts of evil. But the opposite of that is true also. The church (true Christians – fully devoted followers of Christ), will become more like Jesus than in any time in history because He is coming for a fit and ready bride that looks and behaves like Him. At Christ’s return, Satan will be destroyed, but until then, believers must stand suited up in the whole armor of God resisting evil on every front. We can be forever triumphant by snatching victory from the jaws of defeat when we allow the love, hope, and peace of Christ to prevail.



Jesus is God’s answer to man’s weakness and evil’s intention. Christmas and the rest of His story can become our story. Jesus took this broken, fatherless, and impoverished boy writing this commentary and delivered me from destruction and the intentions of the evil one. He will do the same for all who receive Him and follow Him with their whole heart. Jesus is the light that pierces the darkness. He offers strength beyond ourselves and grants us the grace and ability to share the hope, joy, and peace that only He can give in the face of the most challenging possible circumstances. Just as the shepherds and wise men followed the light of the Star of Bethlehem, we must follow the light of the forever bright and Morning Star – Jesus!



May you have a Christ-honoring Christmas and a God-honoring New Year!



Charlene’s Source: www.lifetoday.com



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120722 Editors Note on The Aurora, Colorado Shootings

120722 Editors Note on The Aurora, Colorado Shootings


 Please pray for the victims and their families that were affected by the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado. No one deserves to die this way. TT

There are things that occur in this world that truly sadden you, especially when they involve the shedding of innocent blood. The shooting at the midnight premiere of “The Dark Knight Rises” is just an example of the many horrendous acts of terror happening everyday in this country and around the world.

You have to wonder where the line snaps in someone’s mind–allowing them to kill others in such a heartless manner. You see more and more headlines such as these, although this is the worse incident of shooting in American history. We may get some clues as he is questioned and put on trial, but I truly doubt that he understands the injustice that he has dealt out to others including a 3 month old child.

Even considering present law that says that a person is not guilty until proven so, this does not look good for James Holmes.  If he is truly the killer you cannot argue the point that this was a person who had no means and no education. This was a graduate student with more opportunities for achieving his goals than many people get.  So you have to ask, “what turned the tide”.? Was it too many hours of lost sleep or anger at a teacher, boss or co-worker? Whatever the reason, we find ourselves having to clean up the mess; physically, spiritually, and emotionally. I pray for strength for the families of the victims–how horrible to hear that your loved one has perished this way. Perhaps if we could step away periodically from our computer/app dominated existences to be able to relate to the loners and burdened people all around us, there could less loss of life and property. Yes, some people may not respond to kindnesses, but we can always try. It is better than seeing, hearing, and reading about atrocities such as this with the frustration of knowing that somewhere something went wrong.

This was a planned out, premeditated act of violence, and it seems as if he was going to return to his apartment and trip the bombs and devices to take out himself and the others living there.

As I said earlier, it is saddening and disheartening as you watch not only these acts of violence but also the way in which people can distance themselves from humanity until taking someone’s life seems both logical and necessary.

I believe that there is always hope, as is evidenced in the reaction of the filmakers, and their condolences to the families of the victims. There may not be a move as of yet to connect the movie to the crime committed, but since the human imagination can surpass anything that we see on the screen, I believe that the reference to “The Joker’ does form a connection between the content of the movie and the act of shooting. This is not meant to say, however, that this is specifically the responsibility of Warner Brothers. The entertainment industry creates; we interpret as individuals what we perceive from the material.

Addendum: There has been 2 million or more dollars contributed to a fund to help the victims of this disastrous shooting. Warner Brothers, who produced “The Dark Knight Rises” is among the contributors. Whatever we do in this life demands much from others. There is no such thing as being an island to yourself.

credit: Momma Cha @ jyjfantalk.com

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Rev. Charlene on New Years Resolutions + Let All Past Troubles Be Forgot

credit: gisociety

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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Years ago I would diligently make a list of New Year’s resolutions that I would sincerely intend to keep. They weren’t anything unobtainable–in fact they were quite simple pursuits such as ‘lose 50 pounds’ or ‘write a bestseller’–you know what I mean  ^_^ 

I found out over time that even with the best of intentions these resolutions would pass or fail depending upon factors other than my own sheer will. Life has a way of altering your plans, however sincerely constructed, and it is nothing unusual to be facing yet another year with unfulfilled resolutions. Approaching 2012 with goals not finished in 2011 seems normal.

I have found out over time that the things that do get done are the normal everyday-living things that never go on a resolution list. You cannot avoid going to the grocery store, or shopping for the family at Wal-Mart. Job obligations certainly do get addressed because money as a reward tends to keep us sharp to task. Taking the kids to the dentist gets accomplished; as does helping with homework. Most certainly working on keeping the home, family and (in my case) church duties implemented become high on the priority list. I think that the deterent to keeping our resolutions list may be in the way that we allow the world to penetrate our fortresses and keep us distracted from accomplishing the really important, life-changing things–such as losing those 50 pounds.

So am I saying that New Year’s resolutions should be banned as passe’? Am I implying that making a list and “checking it twice ‘ should only pertain to Santa? No, because there may be some people out there who determinedly press on until every last resolution is nailed to the board. If you are one of those, I am happy for you. Make your resolutions and then prove to those of us sadly lacking in fortitude that resolutions were made to be accomplished.

I’ve discovered that I will sometimes fulfill a resolution just by accident. In the course of living life some resolutions just find their way to the accomplished pile. You come across an old list and say, “My Goodness, I honestly got that one and that one done”!!  That is when the value of making the list appears–when you can smile and say you did it despite yourself.  :)

Commitments, as opposed to resolutions, may stand the test of time, especially if those commitments are a covenant between you and GOD.  So, I guess if I can make a list of commitments instead of resolutions I may see them fufilled by the end of the year. 

 A Blessed New YearTo You, Rev. Charlene


"Courageous" Fatherhood and Trust

I went with my family and Women United RHC to see this remarkably inspirational movie at Marcus Theater on November 10th. We laughed; we cried; but more importantly–we praised. Although this movie features policemen as its target subject, it is for every parent out there who feels a responsibility to raise and relate to their children in a Godly atmosphere of trust and obedience. This movie never gets dull or preachy. It teaches Biblical truths through practical application. Since its initial release on September 30th, 2011–policemen and men of service all over the country have seen they and their family’s lives changed through the message this movie projects. The message is founded upon the Word of GOD.
Made by the producers of “Fireproof”–this movie excels in all areas. I recommend seeing it over and over. Rev. Charlene

“Courageous” Movie Trailers

credit: yahooMovies

Charlene’s Source: yahoo.com

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Update on Japan

Editor’s Note:

While some disasters have short-term effects, and only impact small regions or areas of the earth–a disaster such as the Earthquake/Tsunami in Japan on March 11th, with its subsequent Nuclear Plant catastrophes, has far-reaching effects for the whole earth. Thousands are dead in Japan, and thousands are missing and homeless.

While the effects of New Orlean’s Hurricane Katrina, and the earthquake in Haiti, along with other disaster areas are still being felt, Japan continues to experience aftershocks of the 8.9 Richter scale quake. The devastation of Japan predominately came from the resultant Tsunami, and here it is 17 days later and a 6.9 quake occurred in Japan this morning.

As far away as the United States east coast there are findings of radiation in the rain. Clouds cover a circuit of the world due to wind currents, and while experts are saying that the radiation levels are not detrimental here in the United States, I pray that does not change.

The food chain is already affected. Milk, water, and plants have been tested for radiation in Japan and here in the United States, and the government is “keeping an eye on it all” in the middle of every other crisis it is dealing with. I am sure that other localities between Japan and the U.S. are also affected. So where does that leave us everyday citizens at this point?

We need to learn to apply diligent prayer to this situation, and to exercise caution and common sense in what we take for granted as clean and safe. Drinking bottled water has been a habit in my family for several years, and be mindful that the soil will be affected if radiation is in an area.

The long-term effects of this potentially enormous nuclear disaster would be in altering DNA, subsequently affecting the children of radiation victims. Not only that, but the victims themselves have higher risk of cancer and other degenerative diseases. No one has mentioned Hiroshima nor Nagasaki, but the Japanese populace has been here before. It is very sad.

I am not writing this to ask you to panic, I am asking you to pray that all will be well; to support the relief effort in any way that you can, and to pray that the offspring of those on this earth today would not have to suffer for the unfortunate lack of planning and insight on the part of governments.

Ultimately, the people bear the brunt of these mistakes. and while we cannot blame Japan for the earthquake and should do all that is possible to help the Japanese people–it is sad that modern industry standards still cannot protect the people that it intends to serve.  

 2 Chronicles 7:14
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land”.



Prayer for Earthquake/Tsunami Victims

Hello, Everyone.

If you have been watching the news you should be aware of the 8.9 Richter Scale earthquake that occurred in Japan on March 11th and the subsequent aftershocks. The devastation is horrible and unprecedented in Japanese history. This is the largest quake they have experienced and all of us are affected by it. Thousands lost or missing including Americans and Europeans living or visiting in Japan. I’m sure that there are other lost and missing from other nationalities.  Nuclear plants are in crisis and containment is shaky.

The tsunami waves reached California and devastated the harbor in Crescent City, California. One person was washed out to sea. Oregon has also been impacted heavily and FEMA is once again at work. United States service ships have been deployed to Japan to assist in evacuation, supplies, and removal of bodies and debris, and service men and women already stationed in Japan are assisting. Please let us keep our brothers and sisters in prayer today and forever, because but for the grace of GOD it could be ourselves.
