
Bryan Duncan ‘Yes I Will’ with Lyrics

This is an older song by Bryan Duncan that states how emphatically we have to declare warfare. Always remember that the battle is the LORD’s.

credit: BryanSoulmanDuncan

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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Yes I Will


In my mind I’m like a kid in the corner
Where I argue with the devil ’til I’ve had my fill
When I start to believe all the lies that you’re tellin’ me
Sayin’ I’ll never make it, I say, “Yes I will”


Just like a bad tune stuck in your head forever
Over and over like the run of the mill
And with every chance that I have to do somethin’ good
Here we go: “no you won’t”, “yes I will”


I said wait!



(Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am , yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will)
Just a minute, said, yes I will!
(Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am , yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will)
Oh, and I said wait!
(Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am , yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will)
[scat singing]
(Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am , yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will)



 Said, yes I will



(Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am , yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will
Yes I am , yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will)



With the war of words begun
And the battle for the mind is on
And, no you won’t, yes I will
With the war of words begun
The battle rages on and on
No you won’t, yes I will



Game over, you find no one to help, he says
With bound determination you say, yes I will
You, you better pray cause you know what he’s gonna say
Just keep repeatin’, you say



(Oh yeah, yes I will!)



Wear it out, say it clear, keep it up
And if there is any doubt, a little louder, you say
Yes I will
He says you’re nothing special, you got nothin’ to offer
Yes I am, yes I do, and yes sir, yes I will


I said wait!
(Yes I will)

 Copyrights to Bryan Duncan



Charlene’s Source: lyrics-keeper.com



Twila Paris

Twila Paris is one of my favorite contemporary Christian songwriters and singers. All of her songs inspire reverence and awe and will bring you into the throne room of GOD. Need peace? Listen to these songs..

credit: reindeer 198+Trinity Fellowship+gejable+Diocese of St. Benedict+worship4Christ2012+Bob Marshall+buyakga1948+Ziyu Lu+Ukarumpa International School

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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November 14, 2013 Thanksgiving Medley

Thanksgiving Medley

Along with Christmas and Easter, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I enjoy the subdued commercialism, the time with family, and the smells of this holiday–but most of all the opportunity to say Thank You to The Lord of Hosts. Every breath and every morsel has come through Him.

credit: crcworship

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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Mahalia Jackson put her soul and spirit into every song. This is a beautiful performance…

I have sung this song many times, and it never fails to move me to tears at the remembrance of my mother’s prayers and sacrifices for her family.  Charlene

credit: ahlordgod

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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