
Woman Thou Art Loosed: Music and Message

We desire to worship You, O Lord. Let our praises be lifted high unto your throne room. May we be granted peace.     Charlene


WTAL Worship Part 1

The Sound of Worship Woman Thou Art Loosed 2012

Bishop T.D. Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed

credit: Potters House+DES10ONE+kcmi89

Charlene’s Source: youtube

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T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer, Leslie Parrott, Creflo Dollar, and Cindy Trimm Sermons

“Yet you desired faithfulness even in the womb; you taught me wisdom in that secret place.” Psalm 51:6 NIV

I have been Blessed by GOD through the teaching and preaching of these evangelists. I Pray that you will be Blessed also.   Rev. Charlene

credit: 4digitz+kcmi89+A.J.Rockefeller+TheRobertRustveld+Firedupforever+


Charlene’s Source: youtube

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