Only Through The Cross: A Completed Work
Read Matthew 27: 1-66
We are observing Easter of 2018. What does Easter mean to us this year, or any year?
Is Easter now a not so major holiday? Are we focusing on the true meaning of Easter? Mostly I see people hurrying around filling Easter baskets and creating Easter displays. Each year it seems as if the merchant’s displays are being put up earlier and earlier. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we would think to start studying the import of Christ’s sacrifice at this time?
I remember as a child participating in Easter egg hunts and looking forward to the Easter basket filled with chocolate bunnies and yellow chicks–not to mention jellybeans. I still love chocolate and jellybeans–but they take a certain back seat to the true meaning behind Easter and The Cross of Christ.
Our Savior sacrificed his entire being for us on Calvary’s cross. There has never been or ever will be another sacrifice to match it. That is because as Jesus said, “It is finished”.
He performed a completed work so that you and I could be alive this day to live in Him and to partake in Communion with Him. He performed a completed work so that we could have a right to reign with Him for eternity and the glorious indwelling of The Holy Spirit to guide us in this life. He performed a completed work so that the entire world could be ministered to and the Great Commission performed in His Name.
As it states in Matthew 27: 35-37 NKJV : “Then they crucified Him, and divided His garments, casting lots, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet:
‘They divided my garments among them, And for my clothing they cast lots.”
‘Sitting down, they kept watch over Him there. And they put up over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.‘
They did this to make fun of our Savior, but they inadvertently furthered the plans of the Kingdom of GOD. It is because of Jesus’ sacrifice that we can stand firm and declare that the Kingdom of GOD is here. It is our duty and our desire to see those who need the King of Kings gather at the Easter Banquet table.