
“The Confident Woman” by Joyce Meyer: Revisited

Hi Ladies.

Joyce Meyer’s “The Confident Woman”  has been an inspirational text aimed at helping us to define who we are as confident Women of God. So far we have explored God’s concept of us as women and how closely His perceptions line up with our own. Sad-to-say, we are lacking more in our eyes than His.

Why are women so hard on themselves? I believe that it is a reflection of our environment and of our society. From childhood we are taught that there are specific gender roles that do not cross paths at any given point in time. Black and White. Men do this. Women do that. In my own experience this theory lacks validity.

I have done many things in my lifetime that in the past were considered specifically male roles. I have co-pastored a church as a licensed and ordained evangelist, teacher, and preacher. Growing up I never saw women in these specific roles. I only know that when I felt called by God to minister to His people–there was never a hesitation to do the work based upon my gender. Even today, many people consider female ministers to be heretics. I can only listen to the Lord’s still, small, voice and do His bidding. Not one person on this earth will be standing with me in The Judgement. We will all be judged as individuals. Whether male or female, always trust God’s Holy Spirit to lead you in the path made for you. Favor with man is great–but I treasure favor with God more.

Also realize that people will not always understand your ministry call. It is only through application of the Word and giving example to the body of how God uses women that light dawns in people’s hearts.  God is a God of mercy. He is not willing that any one should perish. What does this mean? It means that I am to strive to be used by God’s Spirit to grant mercy and grace to those who are struggling to either know God better,  or have never been in the position to know Him at all. As a woman of God I must never fail to pray, intercede, or love His people with Christ’s unconditional, agape love.

Is correction a Kingdom application? Yes.  Love is also correction and I believe as women, mothers,and grandmothers, there is an obligation to correct mistakes with love, though not with condemnation. ” For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:17 NIV

As we continue to discover who we are as women in Jesus Christ let us strive to be the best that we can be. Let us make a resolution to seek the Word as our guide and to love our neighbors as ourselves.   


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